Sportsmen Scuttlebutt



October 2023



Thanks to Sonia Huiner &  Ruth Holmes for the photos











August 2023

Roger Lund & Roy Garner threw a special Pancake Breakfast
in the Harbor-Side Galley on Saturday, August 12.
It's nice to see this Galley serving breakfast again,
even if it's for a one-time special occasion.






June 2023


The 1st SYC Annual Fantasy Football League players


Rhonda & Angel carried out the trophy for presentation.


Congratulations to Tammy Rocha for winning this year's trophy!








April 2023


April Fool's Cruise-Out by Fleet Caption Matt
with assistance from Vice Commodore Peter.


The Waterfront Cafe & Grill in Pittsburg was packed with Sportsmen. They really have a great
menu and it seems to be a very popular place. Thanks to Pete Dragula for his recommendation.






March 2023

Our own "Jonesy" (Robert Jones) won 1st place for the
NewJen Delta Team Tournament on March 25, 2023

His winning Black Bass weighed in at 8.3 lbs.







February 2023

And here is the "permanent fix" (we hope) to our access road.
Thanks to Jim Dawson for the photo.


January 2023


Jim Dawson & Robert Babo took these photos of the "temporary fix" of our access
road which failed after the heavy rain fall this early January. Fortunately no one was
injured but a garbage truck was unable to leave our property.  Co Co County
repaired the road with another "temporary fix" in time for our January meeting.









December 2022

The Great Poker Finals of 2022


Commodore Odum thanked our Games Chairmen, Rick Barton
and Bobby Brown, for setting up the Games.
Yong Garner presented the 2022 Poker Champion with his winnings.
1st Place went to Nick Macey
2nd Place went to Anthony Ferris
3rd Place went to Tony Chapman









October 2022


The Great Pumpkin Carving Contest of 2022

Thanks to Bernadette Moore for the photos









August 2022

A "special" special BBQ event was held at the Club on August 20th at the request of Carl & Elaine Rasmussen to say goodbye to the many friends made over the years as Club members and avid boaters. Carl & Elaine now reside in Angier, North Carolina to be near family and the support folks usually need in their senior years.

Their beautiful boat "Morning Mist" will find a new skipper. Carl has taken up a new hobby in that he is now a licensed Amateur  (Ham) Radio Operator. I'm sure he will make many new friends on the air. His son Carl is also licensed and lives nearby. Elaine's dad was also a Ham. Carl was able to request and obtain his old call-sign (WA6ODA)  through the "vanity call-sign program" authorized by the FCC.


Carl & Elaine Rasmussen - August 20, 2022



The Rasmussen's & the Coach's go way back to the
days when their participation in Scouting made a real contribution to many of the youth in the community.
Erick & Lanette are Son and Daughter-in-Law of Carl & Elaine. They live in Iowa and escorted their folks out to California.



Lots of Sportsmen turned out to wish Carl & Elaine a fond & loving fare well.









July 2022

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download

First image returned by the new Webb Space Telescope. This is a view of a very tiny section of the early Universe. The light seen here is estimated to have left these galaxies around 13 billion years ago, not long after the Universe was created. This is the farthest mankind has ever been able to look back in space & time.

See more great astrophotos from NASA.

Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive 2015 (


