Sportsmen Scuttlebutt


May 2022


Our Cinco de Mayo party was entertained by a colorful performance of students from Antioch High School. Our thanks to their Principal & SYC member, Louie Rocha.







March 2022


Photo  by Don Wilson

 Photo  by Freda Lucido

The Alice Gibson Memorial Lighthouse

The beautiful lighthouse that guards the entrance to our harbor stands as a memorial to Alice Gibson who designed and spearheaded its construction a few years ago. Many thanks to all who contributed to this project.








November 2021

2021 Derby Winner for Striper, Butch Martinez






October 2021


The Sportsmen Pumpkin Carving Party




May 2021

Many thanks to the wonderful folks who volunteer each month
working in the galley & preparing those fine Meeting-Night Dinners
as well as many other events. The May 2021 dinner was prepared by
Ruth Holmes, Janet Buckley, Elena Draper & Tabby Delfino.
Photo by Rhonda Hanson

Let’s roll back in time a few years…. to October 6, 1995!
Chef Paul (Bernhardt) published his Work Party Lunch menu.
You’re helping to create memories too by contributing to our Club.
Thank you to all who volunteer your time!

Chef Paul's Menu




January 2021

Nice fish Caught by Kenny Norris
44lbs, 8oz, 54" long






November 2020

Jim will show you kids how to catch fish!
Nice Striper, 41" long & 30lbs, 9oz.





November 2020

Area 3 November 2020 work party..
Thanks guys & thanks to Robert Babo for the photos!




October 2020


Congratulations to Bobby & Daughter Alaina for a great catch!





July 2020

Dr. Dan & Cindy Tie the knot at Lake Tahoe, July 10, 2020
Congratulations, Dr. & Mrs. Lively!





July 2020


Work parties are not always scheduled. Thanks to Gene, Joe, Dale & Gary
for installing a Plexiglas window to replace the plywood "temporary fix" in our BBQ area.









June 2020

Audrey Kuppenbender & daughter keeping busy with
"art work projects" during the mandatory "vacation"


Penny Balls in the Garden

    Yummy Plum Cordials


Lawn Sprinkler "Donuts"





May 2020

Who said there ain't no fish in the Delta?
Just ask "Jonesy" about this 6 pound black bass!





May 2020

Birds'-eye view of the Sportsmen YC facility
Drone photo by Nate Madsen, Mike Transchel's Grandson

More Drone Photos








April 2020

Dr. Dan Lively shared this photo of a hummingbird nest in his backyard. He says, "Mama bird is working hard to keep these two guys fed!"









April 2020

"Patches" has decided to change up her act during this SIP order. She brings Bill and Darlene their used Dixie cups every morning and presents them to them as gifts!  Bill says, "Never fails...every morning now!



April 2020

We hear on the media that pet adoptions are way up during this CV shutdown. Robert & Denice Babo are no exception, coming home with Kooper, their 6-month old puppy.






Marianne & Matt have been quarantined with these Divas for one month now! Meet Cher, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Aretha & Dolly!





April 2020

Peter Dragula has a children's book entitled, "The Wonderful World of Mr. Walder" which is written in the style of Dr. Seuss. (Author shows as Dr. Joyce.)







March 2020

"Shelter in Place" for Jimmy Dawson is tearing apart his Hummer...Just hope he can put it all back together! Shane LaChance is helping him but they have to stay 6 feet apart!








How Abby & Alice are dealing with "Shelter in Place"





September 2019

PICYA Presents
the 23nd Annual Margot Brown Wheel Chair Regatta
September 26, 2019


More Pictures  


Thanks to Sportsmen YC member Freda Lucido for the photos



