Some photos from recent events...

59th Annual 

4S Cruise  

Hosted by Stockton Yacht Club

July 13-15, 2012




Stockton Commodore Bob Cain (right) introduced the visiting Commodores
Junay Logan (Sacramento), Ricky Scannell (Sportsmen), & Jody Merriam (San Joaquin)




One of the Blind Dinghy Race teams took a tour of the tules.
The Sportsmen boat with John Shaner & Freda Lucido took the Gold!


John & Carol Hunter were last minute substitutes for the regular Bocce team.
Congratulations, they brought home the Gold!



Puzzle-Mania is used as a tie-breaker if necessary. It
also gives anyone a chance to participate as they wish.

The folks at Stockton Yacht Club have made many improvements at their facility since 4S was
here four years ago. This new BBQ grill & the expanded Guest Dock are just a few examples.



Husband & Wife team Rick & Terri Barton took the Silver in Cribbage.


Rick Hinds & Steve Martinez took Gold in "Snake"


Father-in-Law/Son-in-Law team
Larry Pacheco & Bob Kaiwi took Gold in Wii Bowling.


Games Chairman Chuck Carroll & Commodore Ricky
take possession of the Perpetual Trophy for another year.


Sportsmen Group Photo with Stockton Commodore Bob Cain (foreground)


Score Card

Many thanks to the hard-working folks at the Stockton Yacht Club for hosting another great 4S.
We hope to see everyone at the Sacramento Yacht Club in 2013.


Thanks to Terri Barton and Dan Lively for assisting Freda with the photography.