Some photos from recent events...

Sportsmen Annual Picnic

September 8, 2007



The upstairs crew was busy pounding abalone and fixing the salads

                 Ah, you guys are just shuckin'...            Commodore Sherry & hubby Dan prepared lots of Abalone


Dave & Gary are once-again at the bar-b-q.. Thanks guys.      And there's George fixin his burger

Chow down folks!


Let the games begin...


This year we had several new games including the hoola hoop pass, the lifesaver pass,  and the balloon 
stomp. Of course, the old egg toss, water balloon toss, and three legged race are always fun.





And the spectators enjoyed the entertainment. Great Picnic!


Thanks to Alice Gibson, Ron Roberts & Dave Selvy for helping Freda with the photos..