Some photos from recent events...

4S Rendezvous Hosted by San Joaquin Yacht Club

July 19-20, 2003


San Joaquin YC's Commodore Andy Quick Opened the Ceremonies
Representing Sacramento YC, Commodore Andy Heavin; Stockton YC, Linda Wilson
and our Commodore, Lonnie Gibson


Commodore Gibson 
represented Sportsmen in fine fashion!

San Joaquin packed 
'em in for the big event


Mike Hammer throwing 
a "shoe" or two


Elaine Rasmussen trying to 
unscramble Scrabble


Ismini MacLean strategizes to 
play all her dominoes first

Lou Zobb can relax 
at the 4S this year!


Our own Kathy Larosee took
1st Place in Liar's Dice

Don Lucido got into the "swing of things"
during the Bocce Tournament

Now here's a pair to watch out for!
Carl Rasmussen & Bob Art

Where are you, Barbara & Paul?
(See the August-September Newsletter
for all the details of their adventure)



The lady behind Ted Nicholson 
cleaned our plow in Bocce. Must
have been  home field advantage.

Jean Sieben enjoyed the day
and cheered our players on!


Congratulations to our
Gold Medal Winners for Sportsmen!
Freda Lucido & Nancy Yarbrough for Pinochle
Bonnie White & Kathie Hammer for Cribbage










Oops!  Looks like Sportsmen went home empty handed again this year....
There's always next year!


Thank you, San Joaquin YC, for a fun and well organized 4S!

Many Thanks to Samantha Art & Dave Selvy for contributing their 4S pictures