Some photos from recent events...



Chuck & Paul busy crackin' crab

And then we had the taste testers...
er... More crab crackers!!


Chris & Neal were helping out too

Belynda organized the Crab Feed
Here Freda is helping her make the clam chowder


Dan helped with the Clam Chowder too


Barbara was in charge of the Pasta
Carl is behind the steam helping her!


Elaine stayed busy keeping the
reservations straight



Alice took over for Belynda
and did a great job getting the dinners served


Webmaster Don loves crab!

Bob & Cindy ate crab until they were stuffed


This is one of Neil's favorite
events at the Club


Vice Commodore Dave & Sharon
crabbin' down


All in all, 550 pounds of crab was served to 185 hungry crab lovers and...  
there were no leftovers!



See ya next year, folks!


Thanks to Dave & Freda for taking the pictures